Thu, 24 October 2024

「Life in the UK」模擬試験に挑戦!

我々日本人を始めとする外国人が、英国で市民権や永住権を取得するために受験が必要となる「Life in the UK」テスト。英国に関するあらゆる事象に関しての設問が並ぶこのテストを、市民権・永住権取得を目指す人々だけでなく、英国の諸事情に広く関心を持つ在英邦人の皆様の英国常識度を図るために、こっそりチャレンジしてもらいたい。というわけで、今回は誌面上で模擬試験を開催。さて、あなたの常識度は?

Life in the UKとは



永住権を取得すれば、ビザ更新の手続きが省けるなどの優遇措置を受けられる。また市民権を取得すれば、英国人としてのパスポートを取得できるため他のEU加盟国での活動が容易になったり、英国内での選挙権 を取得できるといった特典がある。

* 永住権や市民権取得のための具体的条件については、内務省のウェブサイトをご確認ください。
www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk/ applying/



1. What is the maximum number of hours that a child can work in any school week?

A. 12 hours B. 18 hours C. 20 hours D. 38 hours

2. What is the minimum age to be able to drink alcohol in a pub?

A. 16 years old B. 18 years old C. 21 years old
D. It depends if you are with an adult

3. What is the minimum wage for workers aged 22 and above?

A. £3.30 an hour B. £4.45 an hour C. £5.52 an hour D. £6.15 an hour

4. How many weeks of paid holiday each year are employees over 16 normally entitled to?

A. 5.8 weeks B. 4.8 weeks C. 3.8 weeks D. 2.8 weeks

5. What is the speed limit for cars and motorcycles in built-up areas?

A. It is illegal to possess cannabis anywhere
B. It is legal to possess cannabis in the privacy of your own home


ロイヤルファミリー7. Who is the current heir to the throne?

A. Prince William 
B. The Duke of Edinburgh 
C. The Duke of York
D. The Prince of Wales

8. What is an important ceremonial role that the King or Queen performs?

A. Chairing proceedings in the House of Lords
B. Meeting weekly with the Prime Minister
C. Opening of a new parliamentary session
D. Voting in the House of Commons


9. What percentage of the UK's ethnic minorities live in the London area?

A. 14% B. 30% C. 45% D. 60%

10. What is the population of England?

A. 23.4 million B. 38.1 million C. 50.1 million D. 58.8 million

11. There are more men in study at university than women. Is this statement true or false?

A. True B. False

12. What is the distance from John O'Groats on the north coast of Scotland to Land's End in the south-west corner of England?

A. Approximately 1100 miles (1770 kilometres)
B. Approximately 1310 miles (2110 kilometres)
C. Approximately 500 miles (800 kilometres)
D. Approximately 870 miles (1400 kilometres)


13. Why did the UK encourage immigration in the 1950s?

A. Because of an agreement with other Commonwealth countries
B. To meet an EU directive on immigration
C. To offer safety to people escaping persecution
D. To resolve a shortage of labour in the UK

14. Why did Britain admit 28000 people of Indian origin in the late 1960s and early 1970s?

A. Because of an agreement with the Indian government
B. They were escaping religious persecution
C. They were forced to leave Uganda
D. To address shortages in skilled labour


Politics15. Where is the Prime Minister's official home in London?

A. Downing Street 
B. Parliament Square 
C. Richmond Terrace
D. Whitehall Place

16. Citizens of the UK can vote in elections at the age of 18. Is this statement true or false?

A. True B. False

17. When will the British government adopt the euro as the UK's currency?

A. 2010 B. 2015 C. Never 
D. When the British people vote for it in a referendum


18. Which TWO places can you go to if you need a National Insurance number?

A. Department for Education and Skills B. Home Office
C. Jobcentre Plus D. Social Security Office

スコットランド紙幣19. Which of these statements is correct?

A. Scottish bank notes are valid in all parts of the UK
B. Scottish bank notes are valid only in Scotland

20. How often do most children in the UK receive their pocket money?

A. Every day B. Every month C. Every week 
D. Only on their birthday

21. Which phone numbers should be called in an emergency for police, fire and ambulance services? Select two options from below

A. 999 B. 112 C. 111 D. 911

22. What is the standard closing time of a pub?

A. 10pm B. 11pm C. 1am D. 2am

23. At what voltage is electricity supplied in the UK?

A. 1000 volts B. 110 volts C. 240 volts D. 50 volts

24. How many bank holidays are there each year in the United Kingdom?

A. Four B. Nine C. Ten D. Two


Life in the UK 体験記

小野まりさん本誌に連載中のコラム「お遍路さんがゆく」において、夫で画家の小野琢正さんが描く水彩画と一緒に、本文執筆を担当していただいている小野まりさん。今年6月に 「Life in the UK」を受験し、1回目で見事合格したという小野さんに同試験について聞いてみた。






難しかったのが政治ジャンル。簡単だったのはChildren, family and young peopleに関する一般常識ジャンル。教育、健康、税金などは生活体験者にとっては「常識」の範囲内のものがあり、助かりました。




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